“Restoration Agriculture” Real World Permaculture for Farmers Mark Shepard
This book provides suggestions and techniques to remove the most carbon, create the most calories and food, very comprehensive guide for the farmer wanting to convert from conventional to regenerative farming.
“Dirt to Soil” by Gabe Brown
Gabe Brown is a farmer who has been a pioneer in regenerative agriculture and explains how he has implemented regenerative farming and grazing making his farm more productive and profitable.
“How to Avoid Climate Disaster” by Bill Gates
The subject of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and global warming is sometimes overwhelming – hard to get your head around the subject and how to do anything. This book is good because it tells you where all the GHGs come from, quantifies the amounts by each category, explains existing methods that work and can be expanded or modified by category and what we need to invent or stop.
“For the Love of Soil” strategies to Regenerate our food systems by Nicole Masters
This book goes in depth to solve a variety of problems one might encounter switching from conventional farming to regenerative farming and a good handbook for farmers, especially those new to regenerative farming.
“Regeneration Ending the Climate Crisis in one Generation” by Paul Hawken
This is a great book and an easy read; not full of scientific jargon or hard to digest, it is written in everyday terminology and is a collaboration of some of the smartest in each of the fields it discusses. It has beautiful pictures and short chapters, so it is easy to ready in chunks and stop and start. It really gives a path forward just repairing the things we have destroyed over time.
“Drawdown” edited by Paul Hawken
This explains and ranks various actions we can take and the resulting possible GHG reductions. Broken down into chapters on each, it is a good, easy to use resource.
“Comfortably Unaware” by Dr. Richard A. Oppenlander
This book makes the case that the food chain currently used in the United States of large amount of meat coming from factory farms is unsustainable. When you break down the amount of resources used and the carbon dioxide created in the production of meats, it is unsustainable. Analysis of how much grain production, water use, and chemical additions to the process make the case.
“The Ministry for the Future” by Kim Stanley Robinson
This is a novel. It is based upon the premise that there is a Ministry set up for future generations rights and control of the future environment. It contains a lot of novel solutions in not only repairing the planet but also how to get the entire world onboard. Well written by a celebrated best selling author.